Custom made for you, by me!

I don't know about everyone, but I would prefer to have items that define me! I don't like to have the same things that everyone else has. I like things to be a little out of the ordinary and made a little more to my liking. And this is what I am here to offer everyone else the opportunity to have! Everything in my shop is 100% customize-able from the color schemes, to wording, and (my favorite) custom requests! Items are not limited to what is shown in my shop. If you're looking for something specific...just ask me and I will do my best to find you exactly what you are looking for!

And now for a little background on myself and how I got started! I started in 2014 when I found out I was pregnant with my son. When I started looking at all the baby items I would need to purchase soon, I didn't want to have the same blankets, diaper bags, and carseat as every other mother out there. So I decided to buy a sewing machine and make my own stuff! Starting out was very frustrating with lots of trial and error but I was very pleased with the items I had made. Once I began to show some of my family and friends some of the items I had made, they started telling me I should offer these items to others as well. One friend talked me into trying out Etsy, and Shay's Store was born!

Once I began my shop on Etsy I didn't really know what to expect. It started out slow with a couple of sales here and there. Next thing I knew, I was getting more and more sales and they were staying steady! I was stoked! I never thought it would take off the way that it did! I started out with making only baby items including diaper bag, carseat covers, blankets, canopies and more, and also offered embroidery. I have since been able to not only upgrade machines, but also branch out into other adventures!

I finally decided to take the plunge into the world of vinyl! After about a years worth of research, I bout my first cutting machine! This to, came with ALOT of trial and error but I finally got the hang of it and began listing these items in my shop as an option also! Again, I didn't expect it to take off the way that it did or as quickly as it did! But I couldn't be happier about it! I was able to grow this side of my business very quickly to get to where I am now!

I never thought that making a few baby items for my expected child at the time, would put me where I am now! But I couldn't ask to be in a different place! I have been able to work from home and grow my business beyond what I ever dreamed! My original goal was to do just enough to stay home...this was blown completely out of the water!

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